Friday, June 28, 2019

what Korean think about song-song couple's divorce

Song Hey-Kyo and Song Joong-ki decided to split. 

They were one of the hottest and most influential celebrity couples since they got married in 2017. 
They were dubbed Song-Song Couple as their last names were the same as they starred the mega-hit KBS show "Descendants of the Sun"
Around the time they were rumored to have dated, public had mixed feelings about the couples. 
Song Jung-Ki represented a good on paper guy with masquilinity unlike his babyface, graduating from one of the prestigious universities in Korea while Song Hey-Kyo had been one of the most popular and wanna-be star since her debut as a high school student as a bread-winner without her dad with a lot of .

<source :>

In conservative and confucionism deeply rooted Korean society, their age gap was also issue since the comments about their marriage were a lot about how bad the decision would be for Song Jung-ki whose wife is 3 years his senior

On top of that, Song Hey Kyo had been dated or rumored to have dated the costar of the show she starred thanks to her beauty and attractiveness, which made people think she usually bats her lashes or she might be flirtatious. 

On the other hand, Song Jung-Ki seems to have an image of a smart, devoted man 

The comments regarding thier divorce showed that Song Hey Gyo must be to blame given the fact that Song Jung-Ki was the person who filed for a mediation court procedure for divorce and Song Hye-Kyo was the person who has been involved in rumors with costars whenever she starred in a TV show

<source : kyoungin ilbo>

(Can you believe that Park Bo-Geom who is known to be very close to Song Jung-Ki came out Number One in Naver search engine after their divorce was revealed just because he was the last costar who was on the same show as Song Hey-Kyo after her wedding with Song Jung-Ki)

Nowdays a lot of YouTube channels on Show buisness or entertainment try to analyze who should be to blame or somebody could be involved in the divorce.

Song Jung-Ki said he doesn't want to argue faults and defects that could cause the divorce and wants to wrap up this lawsuit amicably

<source : kookmin ilbo>

the following day, Song Hey-Gyo announced the irreconcilable differences were what they couldn't overcome in sustaining their marriage 

Interestingly, many comments favorable to Song Jung-Ki said you'd better get a divorce even you have children. 
Their short marriage finally ends 18 months after their wedding. 

In Korea, on the day the divorce was announced, people all day talked about their divorce and they left a comment that there's no need to worry about a celebrity. 

I hope things go well whatever

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Three rason Why BTS succeds around the world

The US website Reddit users analysed why BTS has so many foreign fans
They say there are three major reasons

The music they sing sounds more familiar to foreign fans than those sung by other idol groups

The songs of BTS resembles 90s traditional hiphop music
And It's difficult to find K-pop idols who can rap in English that as well as BTS members
Moreover, the music they perform blends well  in the US pop music

Second, the music video is produced based on storytelling format, which is one of the most important reasons why BTS is so popular

Reddit users said The music video shows
teenagers' worries about future career, bully problems

so that the age group of people sympathize with the music video
unlike most of other K-pop music videos that are colorful, captivating, riveting or aesthetically pleasing with appealing visual master pieces

Third, BTS actively communicate with fans with personal internet broadcast
Unlike other K-pop idol groups which persists having mysterious concept

which makes BTS seem more familiar with fans in many ways

Not just being friendly to fans, but the great performance BTS shows helps BTS get popular around the world

BTS, popularity in Korea, how the leader rap monster speaks English that well

BTS, popularity in Korea, how the leader rap monster speaks English that well
Korea has countless idol groups coming and going

Korean even don't know all the idol groups which make debut,
even though Korea has developed the environment, idol factory,
idol making system which trains teenagers even children to be idol group members 

by providing all the necessary services including dance, vocal lessons and even language skills
Korea has three major entertainment companies, YG (bigbang, CL), SM (redvelvet), JYP(twice)
Whenever the major enterment companies show their new idol group making debut,
people pay a great attention on them. 
The bigger the entertainment is, the more trainees it has which means having more talented idol member pools

Even Korean people wonder how come BTS is getting popular around the world
As you know it was YG having led PSY to be famous and popular around the world

SHINY, Girl's generation are from SM


Those major companies has everything to train Idol candidates to make them debut and get popular around the world such as language course, song writers, lyricst who has a lot of hit songs and even they can hire world-class song writers who can make songs targeted for foreign girl fans 

What about Big Hit Entertainment which has BTS and Homme 

Actually BTS is all Big Hit Entertainment's got, making greens
One of the minor entertainment companies has a great success a way bigger than any other boy groups ever had
Korean people wonder why BTS is so popular around the world
Even BTS didn't have any member who was born in English speaking countries 
which happenes in other idol groups targeting foreign fans

방탄소년단에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Although one of the members(the leader Rap Monster can speak English fluently thanks to his tiger mom, (he said he studied with drama "Friends"

rap monster에 대한 이미지 검색결과

Boy group members without any native English speaker members is quite different from other idol groups

I will let you know what Korean think about BTS
It is quite different from the attention they get abroad
to be continued ------

TB, symptom, what happens without treatment?

노량진 결핵, 증상, 원인, 무증상 안심? 백신접종 받았으면? 방치하면? 검사비는?
노량진 학원가 수험생이 결핵 확진을 받았습니다
공무원 시험을 준비하기 위해 수만명이 밀집한 노량진 학원가에서
결핵 확진 환자가 발생했는데
감염 여부를 확인해야하는
접촉 대상자만 500여명이 넘었습니다

감염자는 누구?
노량진에 위치한 공무원 학원에 다니는 A씨로 23세 인데요
11월 중순까지 200여명이 수강하는 대형 강의를 들었다고 합니다
23 year-old student preparing for the public servant got TB 
who took a class with mass of students until mid-November
문제는 결핵확진을 받은 이후 7주일이 지나서도
인근 학원, 같은 건물에서 공부하는 수험생까지도 
학원으로 부터 통보를 받지 못했다는 것입니다
The problem is 
Other students hadn't been informed until 7 days after the patient was diagnosed with TB 
even when they were studying at the same building
학원은 수험생과 같은 수업을 들었던 학생들에게
결핵 검사를 받으라는 안내문자를 받았지만
다른 학생들에게는 공지를 안했던 것으로 보입니다
those who take the same classes with the TB patient were informed to get the blood test 
to be tested for TB while except those who didn't get any message about TB test
결핵 증상은 무엇일까요?
What are the symptoms?
증상이 없을수도 있다고 합니다
결핵 초기에는 기침도 없기 때문입니다
무증상 결핵 환자는 10~20%에 달한다고 하네요
there can be no symptoms even when you are infected with TB bacteria
결핵 증상에 대한 이미지 검색결과

2주 이상 기침
cough of more htna two weeks
식은 땀
cold sweats
체중 감소
weight loss
가 증상입니다 
are symptoms of TB (Tuberculosis)

결핵예방백신(BCG) 접종받았으면?
What if you alrady had BCG  vaccine?
신생아와 어린이 예방만 가능합니다
BCG vaccinanation is only recommended for babies, and children
BCG vaccination is particularly effective in protecting babies and children
bcg 주사에 대한 이미지 검색결과

결핵이 걸렸던 사람은?
If you have been infected with the TB bacteria before ?
몸에 있던 결핵균이 살아있다가 몸이 약해지면 다시 활동할 수 도 있으므로
안전하지 않습니다
It's still not safe if you have TB infection, because  you dan be affected by TB due to the weak immune system
X 레이 검사만 가지고
결핵균 감염여부를 알 수는 없다고 하네요
You can't see if you are infected with TB  by have X rays
인터페론 감마 검사를 해야하는데
You'd better have the gamma interferon test 
동료가 결핵에 걸렸으면 자부담이고
If your coworker is infected with TB
You need to pay for the test 
가족이 걸리면 혈액검사비 10만원을 본인이 해야합니다
while you don't need to pay if your family mamber is a TB patient
How to treat TB?
6개월 동안 꾸준히 받는데
You can be cured in six months by taking antibiotics
결핵약 복용이 중요하며 중간에 멈추면 내성이 생겨 힘들어집니다
If you stop taking your antibotics before completing the course or skipping a dose
독한 균일 경우 치료가 최소 2년정도로 늘어날 수도 있습니다
The TB infection may become resistant to the antibiotics
so it will require a longer couse of treatment by as long as two years

결핵환자와 입맞춤을 하면 걸리나요?
If you kiss a TB patient, you would be infected?
재채기로 균이 접촉되면 걸릴 확률이 높아집니다
TB is a bacterial infection spread through inhailing tiny droplets from 
the coughs or sneezes of an TB infected person
결핵 후진국 한국인 이유는?
Why Korea has more TB patients
우리나라에는 매년 결핵환자가 4만명 안팎으로 발생하는데요
Korea has around new 40,000 TB patients every year
1. 결핵에 대한 방심때문입니다. 관리가 느슨해 지면서 다시 결핵이 증가했다고 하네요
2000 년대 부터 다시 늘었습니다
Due to the carelessness of health authorities in supervising TB,
Korea began to have more TB patients from 2000s

2. 결핵 환자만 치료하고 주변 감염의심 환자를 찾아 전염을 막는데는 등한시 했습니다
Health authorities paid little attention to the possible TB patients
3. 결핵 진단을 받은 후 6~9개월간 약을 복용해야 하는데 중간에 복용을 멈추는 경우가 많은 것이 문제였습니다
TB patients are supposed to take antibiotics for 6 to 9 months to be cured 
but they tend to stop taking the medicine, which leads to TB bacteria remaining in TB patients
rather than completely being gotten rid of

4. 인구밀도가 높고, 버스나 지하철, 강의실, 학교, 군대, 기숙사 처럼 인구밀집된 지역이 많아 전파가 쉬운 것도 문제입니다
Korea is heavily populated so the bacteria are more likely to spread 

5. 다이어트, 노량진 수험생 처럼 과도한 공부와 스트레스, 영양 부족으로 면역력이 떨어져 결핵 감염에 취약해졌습니다.
Because of the extreme dieting, studying only life of youngsters preparing for public servant tests,
they tend to have weak immune system which can't kill off TB bacteria stright away

공시생 스트레스에 대한 이미지 검색결과

비타민 D 부족 현상도 면역력 감소의 이유인데 
수험생들은 학원에 아침에 들어가서 밤 늦게 나오기 쉽기 때문에
결핵에 걸리기 쉽습니다
A lack of vitamin D is the cause of weak immune system
those preparing for public servant test tend to stay in a building 
where they can study and take classes
so that they are less likely to be exposed to sun light

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

CSAT, Korea's college entrance exam, benefits with the test

Today Korean high school third graders took the most important test, CSAT equivalent to SAT
It was supposed to be last Thursday 

However a week ago, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake hit the southern Korea, Pohang. 
Due to the possible aftershock, the Moon Jae in Government decided to delay the 2018 CSAT (College Scholastic Aptitude Test) to the next week, today November 23, 2017

For a week, in Korea, bulletin board, some test takers complained about another week they had to wait for to take the most important test to choose the university they can get in.

the selfish complaint from some test takers came even on the first page in the Naver search engine. Unlike Google, Naver shows news and various contents under various categories to draw visitors, bragging about the visitors of Korea's majority population
Naver is close to yahoo when it comes to the first page. 

The college entrance test is not just the problem of test takers but parents of those too
and even office workers go to work an hour later to prevent the traffic jam for test takers going to the test centers by 8:10 am

Let me tell you something special which might be seen only in Korea
On the college entrance exam, as mentioned before, employees including government officers or most of big companies employees are supposed to go to work an hour later so that the road traffic is lighter than usual. 

Even police officers finding test takers who are late for the test take them there with their patrol cars or motor cycle. 

You can get a lot of discount price with the test identification slip
clothing, sow, concert, play, even soccer game, movies at CGV 

관련 이미지

restaurant (CGV family restaurant), 
수험생 혜택에 대한 이미지 검색결과

KORAIL (train ticket by 30 %), ABC mart by 20 % with sneakers or shoes
miniGOLD (watches with $10 discount), amusement park providing cheap price,

관련 이미지
books of Gyobo Books, baseball game (free), hair salon (test takers + 2 parents about perm and dying by 30%), pizza, the face shop(cosmetic products by 50%


there are countless benefits you can get with the test identification slip
So some people want to buy the slip
It's illegal but at some bulletin board, there are always postings asking for identification slip. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

South Korean Chaebol's son violence, horse rider, gold medalist,

South Korea's Chaebol "Hanwha Group", a chemical to finance conglomerate came first on the real time search due to the CEO's youngest son

Kim Dong-seon, the youngest son of Hanwha has been famous with a trouble maker who has been out of control when he boozed according to unidentified source around him.
left : young Kim right : Hanwha CEO Kim Seung Yeon

After indicted with assaulting, answering to journalists

According to the released media, Kim Dong-seon used foul language and assaulted while he got drunk, having dinner with a group of attorneys in September

He said in a statement, " If I get the opportunity, I would meet those I hurt and give my sincere apology for my wrongdoings

The third son of Hanwha Group CEO attended a meeting of 10 newly recruited attorneys from a law firm and happened to get intoxicated, then started to make foul remarks and even tried to hit some of those lawyers

A Seoul court issued a warrant for the police to arrest the youngest of Chairman Kim Seung yeon

arrested with assaulting bar employees

The law firm, Kim & Chang which is one of the most powerful law firms in Korea, didn't respond to the apology from Hanwha Group

But Korean Bar association said it will look over the case and choose whether to file a damage suit against Kim Dong-seon

 kim dong seon hanwha에 대한 이미지 검색결과
Kim Dong Seon, the youngest Kim 
- graduated from Dartmouth College in 2010
- joined a list of executives at family run business 
- found guilty of misbehavior before 
- indicted for injuring three employees at a bar
- surprisingly, prosecutors dropped the case which is called the power of the Super Rich
- accused of assaulting employees at a Seoul bar and damaging a patrol car last January by tearing off the seat that was carrying him to the police station for investition
-.> He will be charged with violence, obstruction of business and destruction of public assets
-> unlike previous case, Police decided to seek a warrant due to the seriousness of the crime record of committing similar transgression so far
- sentenced to eight month in prison, suspended for two years, as well as 80 hours of community service 

kim dong seon hanwha violent에 대한 이미지 검색결과
- resigned from the new growth engine team as a team leader at Hanwha Engineering and Construction Corp, which is a construction affiliate of Seoul Korea's eight biggest conglomerate by assets
- He was a gold medalist of dressage at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games' group equestrian event

His name has been staying at the top of the real time search bar in Naver which is the Korea's biggest search engine site
관련 이미지
Equestrian Kim Dong Seon and Jung Yoo-ra won a gold medal in the group dressage equestrian event at the 2014 Asian games 
the center : Jung Yoo-ra 
Kim Dong Seon is sitting next to Jung Yoo-ra whose mother was involved in the worst corruption scandal with the former president Park Geun Hye who has been impeached from the demand of Korean people

what Korean think about song-song couple's divorce

Song Hey-Kyo and Song Joong-ki decided to split.  They were one of the hottest and most influential celebrity couples since they g...